February 20 Update

Good morning Logos family,
Looking forward to the big Logos Got Talent Show this evening at the Fallon Theater on Maine Street at 6:30 pm. It's going to be a fun time and a great opportunity for our students to display some of the many talents they have.
Also, just a quick reminder of our "Silver Linings" Gala on March 15th. Please remember to return your RSVPs ASAP :-)
We would also love to have you join us for Chapel on Monday at 8:15 am. **Mrs. Faiman's 1st and 2nd Grade classes **will be performing. 
We have scheduled with the Fallon Lions Club for the annual eye-screening of all our students next Wednesday 2/26 beginning at 10 am. This is a free service and is very helpful ensuring all our students' vision is healthy. If you would rather your child does not participate please email Lisa at office@logosfallon.org
Please check TrackItForward next week to schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Already looking forward to our Annual Speech Meet in April. This is another huge opportunity for our **students **to learn to be comfortable expressing their opinions, ideas and thoughts before a large group of people. They have always been very impressive. In fact I believe I remember **one of our students won 7th prize in the Nation **a few years ago.

As always lots happening at this great school. Please see below for all the important activities coming up soon.
Have a blessed day.


Important Future Activities:

  • Feb 20 - TALENT SHOW - Fallon Theater - 6:30 pm
  • **Feb 24 - **Board Meeting 6pm
  • **Feb 24 - Chapel - Mrs Faiman's 1st/2nd Grade presenting **
  • Mar 04 - 100th Day Dress Up
  • **Mar 06 - **End of 3rd Quarter
  • **Mar 10 **- **Chapel **- **Pastor Rodney Williams **- New Beginnings Comm Church Speaking
  • Mar 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • **Mar 15 - FUNDRAISING GALA **
  • **Mar 17 - **Board Meeting 6 pm
  • Mar 20 - Spirit Day Swag